Monday, January 4, 2010

Is USANA a top-rated supplement?

Let's ask google.

Searching for "top rated supplement" on google doesn't even show USANA until the 5th page. The third party that USANA likes to refer to so much is actually a biased editorial.

USANA admits only 3% ever receive a check

Sorry, I haven't had time to update this blog for the past year. Here is a video showing where to find the quote on USANA's website:

"Those earning as little as one check a month equal approximately 3% of all Associates." --Straight from USANA itself

Think you can make it into those 3%? That's just to GET a check in the first place. Once you get there, you have to make AT LEAST $200 per month on those checks in order to pay your autoship. Otherwise the autoship money won't even pay for itself! Not to mention time spent on USANA and additional costs of training and seminars etc. The rest of the statistics on that page make it hard to decipher how many people are capable of paying off their autoship. But it's definitely less than 31% and possibly as low as 2%. And that's OF THE ORIGINAL 3%, not total.