Monday, January 4, 2010

USANA admits only 3% ever receive a check

Sorry, I haven't had time to update this blog for the past year. Here is a video showing where to find the quote on USANA's website:

"Those earning as little as one check a month equal approximately 3% of all Associates." --Straight from USANA itself

Think you can make it into those 3%? That's just to GET a check in the first place. Once you get there, you have to make AT LEAST $200 per month on those checks in order to pay your autoship. Otherwise the autoship money won't even pay for itself! Not to mention time spent on USANA and additional costs of training and seminars etc. The rest of the statistics on that page make it hard to decipher how many people are capable of paying off their autoship. But it's definitely less than 31% and possibly as low as 2%. And that's OF THE ORIGINAL 3%, not total.


Anonymous said...

Hey Usana Report, 99% of your "facts" are opinions, and if you would have done the proper research, you would realize that most of them are wrong. Google is not a credible "source". Google is a "host" for websites and webpages, where the source cannot be assumed to have credibility just because it paid for for a top spot, you should also know by common sense that the popularity of a product does not equal it's quality. So your youtube video lost credibility right when I watched it.

Also, did you know that autoship is not required to be $200. It could be as little as $100. $100 for health products to run a BUSINESS? Why would you even complain? And secondly, autoship is OPTIONAL. You can cancel it at any time.

3% out of 159,000 reps, that's about 5,000 people in the company that make good money. and 17% of those 159,000 reps joined the business to improve their financial future. The rest either do it for the health aspect, the tax benefits, etc. Not to say that a lot of people get started and sometimes do nothing at ALL. 3% is a statistic that you will find everywhere in the world, in every field, in every traditional business, home-based business... stats are universal. Only 3% of the world do very well, while 97% of the population are barely making a living. Why? Because obviously the 3% did something different than the 95%. But don't knock the ones that can look at that statistic and feel they can be the 3%. Those people actually have the right attitude, and those people see more in themselves, and those are the leaders.

Anonymous said...

If you look at 3% and think that's little, then I pity you. You just placed yourself at the loser column because before you even TRIED the business, you already categorized yourself with those who didn't succeed. Success isn't in the system... its up to the person and what they do with it. Because the product and the system is same for all.

And you say stuff about the comp plan. Are you a certified MLM expert, or are you just uneducated about the industry? Becausethe things you said about the comp plan is pretty bogus. You probably don't even know how many comp plans are out there, and what they mean. You do not understand this industry and you have used your lack of understanding to justify why it looks like a "scam". Please, do yourself a favor. Talk to someone who can help you.

If you find Usana products on Ebay for a lower price, hope that you know those are PEOPLE who did that, and are not supposed to. That is against company policy. Some might not even be the real deal. Do you trust buying everything on EBAY? Does the price of what a person sells a product for on EBAY equivalates to what the product is "worth" in quality? Come on! Lol. You wouldn't even buy brand names on Ebay, better yet a consumable product. Go ahead and buy cheaper vitamins. You get what you pay for.

Anonymous said...

The apple experiment was SIMPLY FOR FUN. It was NOT done by Usana. For kicks and giggles. Don't deem it as a FACT, but the other FACTS will speak for itself.

No matter what you say about the product, you can't win. Your research doesn't beat the fact that the ENTIRE US SPEEDSKATIING TEAM this winter all used Usana products, or that 84/92 WTA SONY ERICSSON tennis players use our products and have a CONTRACT with us, or that Manny Pacquiao, or that DR MARTIN LUTHER KING's DAUGHTER BERNICE KING is even in our COMPANY. I would name more, the facts would fill up this page.

I don't care what YOUR credentials are, but you think Olympic athletes and the people managing them didn't do their RESEARCH? You think they would put "junk" into their body? THEIR LIVELIHOOD if their body, their performance, and TRUST me they will not risk it for a few vitamins if they didn't have TRUST in these products. They've been on the product for 7 years PLUS. Do the right research my friend.

Usana is NOT based on recruiting. Just because you SAW a presentation, does not mean that's where the money is ALL coming from. There are TONS of other product demos and product promotions that are done outside of presentations, along with getting personal customers, that YOU have not seen... but simply because you "saw" a presentation, and hear of presentations, you assume that customers aren't a part of our business? USANA REQUIRES ALL ACTIVE REPS to get at LEAST 20 customers a year to keep their business active! Geez! You really don't know.

Anonymous said...

Whether the company goes private or stays public does not reflect how "well" a company is doing. When a company is private, it means that it doesn't need the "public's" money anymore and can do well enough to suffice on their own. We've been public 17 years. Being private will allow the company to do more and get into more markets, but either way, the company has decided to continue to stay public.

THE SEC securities exchange commissions has already investigated Usana Thoroughly, and Usana came out 100% legitimate. You got what you want, and we passed.

It really doesn't matter what you say at this point, because you are a kid who has no logic and reason and justifiable or even facts that relate to your argument. Your so called facts, don't prove your argument right. You can say all you want about anything you want. When it comes down to it, USANA has TONS of POSITIVE and SOLID, GOOD PRESS on TRUE REAL VALID SOURCES. negative press from bloggers and wiki are not credible and valid sources. Wiki is not a valid source. Didn't you learn that in school. Don't even bother with it. Nor is the little youtube videos that you made. I find it comedic.

It really doesn't matter what you say at this point, because you are a kid who has no logic and reason and justifiable or even facts that relate to your argument. Your so called facts, don't prove your argument right. You can say all you want about anything you want. When it comes down to it, USANA has TONS of POSITIVE and SOLID, GOOD PRESS on TRUE REAL VALID SOURCES. negative press from bloggers and wiki are not credible and valid sources. Wiki is not a valid source. Didn't you learn that in school. Don't even bother with it. Nor is the little youtube videos that you made. I find it comedic.

Anonymous said...

So I can see u spent a lot of time creating all these blogs and sites and wow you are like the biggest USANA FAN. But if you would have used this time to maybe educate yourself on the industry rather than bashing on something simple because of your opinion, you might be part of the 3% one day. As of now I can guess that you waste a lot of time, time that you can NEVER get back, bashing on those who actually have a direction, rather than to find your own....

One day when you grow up and maybe learn that there are multiple ways to market a product rather than just the commercial, and traditional, buy at the store way, then you might feel kinda silly you spend all this time labeling a perfecting legitimate and great company into something bad, when all along, it was just you, who misunderstood it.

Hardin Monie said...
